Links to project partners and related projects



  • Selection of literature and studies used for the project
    Anderson, C.W. (2021). Propaganda, misinformation, and histories of media techniques. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review. April 15.
  • Carlson, M. (2020). Fake news as an informational moral panic: The symbolic deviancy of social media during the 2016 US presidential election. Information, Communication & Society, 23(3), 374–388.
  • Jones, M.O. (2022). Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East. London: Hurst & Co.
  • Janadze, E. (2022). Russian cyber strategy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Analysing the Kremlin's disinformation efforts amid 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
  • Lewis, S. C., & Molyneux, L. (2018). A decade of research on social media and journalism: Assumptions, blind spots, and a way forward. Media and Communication, 6(4), 11–23.
  • Marwick, A.E. (2018). Why Do People Share Fake News? A Sociotechnical Model of Media Effects. Georgetown Law Technology Review 474(2018).
  • Mortada, S., Ashfour, A. & Nofal, A. (2022). Middle East and North Africa. In: Wasserman, H. (Ed.). Meeting the Challenges of Information Disorder in the Global South. Ottawa: International Development Research Center.
  • Newman, N. (2021). Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2021. Accessed 29 September 2021.
  • Shumba, E. (2021) An investigation into ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy in Africa via Twitter and Facebook at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. South African Journal of International Affairs 28(3): 471-483
  • Tandoc, E.C., Jenkins, J. & Craft, S. (2019). Fake News as a Critical Incident in Journalism, Journalism Practice, 13:6, 673-689, DOI:10.1080/17512786.2018.1562958
  • Tully, M., Madrid-Morales, M., Wasserman, H., Gondwe, G. & Ireri, K. (2021): Who is Responsible for Stopping the Spread of Misinformation? Examining Audience Perceptions o
  • Velluet, Q. (2020). France/Russia: Propaganda War on Facebook targets Mali & CAR. The Africa Report. 21 December.