Top 21 narratives found in the dataset

1- Russia and the War in Ukraine

  • Description: The narrative emphasizes Russia's active military engagement and strategic operations within the Ukrainian conflict, highlighting instances of military confrontation and technological prowess.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached): 
    • Original message: "نشر مراسل حربي روسي مقطع فيديو يظهر لحظة استسلام قائد كتيبة في اللواء الـ 110 الأوكراني مع جنوده للجيش الروسي في اتجاه أفدييفكا"
    • English translation: "A Russian war correspondent published a video clip showing the moment a battalion commander in the Ukrainian 110th Brigade surrendered with his soldiers to the Russian army in the direction of Avdiivka."

2- Russia as an Unbeatable Military Power

  • Description: Portrays Russia's military as technologically advanced and strategically dominant, capable of precise and effective operations against adversaries.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "وزارة الدفاع الروسية تنشر فيديو لتدمير قاذفة صواريخ متعددة "هيمارس" بواسطة أسلحة روسية عالية الدقة في منطقة "كراسنوأرميسك."
    • English translation: "The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes a video of the destruction of a "Himars" multiple-rocket launcher by Russian high-precision weapons in the Krasnoarmesk region."
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: " لأول مرة يستخدم الجيش الروسي صاروخ "كينجال" الفرط صوتي في ميدان قتالي. بالنتيجة تم تدمير مستودع كبير للصواريخ والذخيرة الجويةِ تحت الأرضِ في أوكرانيا. سألنا خبيراً عسكريا روسيا عن احتمال أن يتمكن خبراء من كشف بعض أسرار  هذا السلاح المتطور، من خلال معاينة الموقع الذي استهدفه."
    • English translation: "For the first time, the Russian army uses a "Kengal" vocal missile in a combat field.As a result, a large depot of the underground missile and ammunition was destroyed in Ukraine.We asked a Russian military expert about the possibility that experts can reveal some of the secrets of this advanced weapon, by examining the site that targeted it."

3- Russia Challenging the West

  • Description: Focuses on Russia's geopolitical stance against Western influences, particularly NATO, framing the conflict as a broader struggle for power and influence. This is often portrayed in military and other types of support provided to Ukraine by Western countries. Illustrates the West's economic and energy dependence on Russia, and suggests that Western sanctions will have no impact on Russia.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "موسكو: لن نطلب من واشنطن وأوروبا رفع العقوبات ولن نغيّر مسارنا
      أكد سيرغي فيرشينين نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي أن موسكو لن تطلب من واشنطن وأوروبا رفع العقوبات، وأن الضغط الغربي لن يؤثر في نهج روسيا ويثنيها عن مسارها"
    • English translation: "Moscow: We will not ask Washington and Europe to lift sanctions, and we will not change our course
      Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin confirmed that Moscow will not ask Washington and Europe to lift sanctions, and that Western pressure will not affect Russia's approach and discourage it from its path."
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "  موسكو: انضمام السويد وفنلندا إلى الناتو يهدد الاستقرار في شمال أوروبا"
    • English translation: "Moscow: The accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO threatens to settle in northern Europe"

4- Russia as Anti-imperialist

  • Description: Advocates for a narrative that positions Russia as a defender against Western imperialism, supporting sovereign nations in their resistance against external pressures.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "لافروف: نساعد في تحرير العالم من ظلم الغرب"
    • English translation: "Lavrov: We help liberate the world from the injustice of the West"

5- Russia as a Great Power

  • Description: Highlights Russia's global influence and strategic capabilities, emphasizing its role in shaping international affairs and supporting allies.
  • Example message: 

6- Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

  • Description: Portrays the Ukrainian government and military leadership negatively, leveraging historical and contemporary stereotypes to delegitimize Ukraine's sovereignty and justify Russian military actions.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "موسكو: لن النازية في ماريوبول
      أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الروسية العثور على جثث مدنيين عليها آثار تعذيب ورسمت عليها رموز النازية الجديدة والصليب المعقوف النازي في أقبية مباني محررة في ماريوبول."
    • English translation: "The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the bodies of civilians have found traces of torture and painted the symbols of the new Nazis and the Nazi intercession in the cellars of liberated buildings in Mariupol."
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "زيلينسكي يدافع عن كتيبة "آزوف" النازية خلال لقاء تلفزيوني"
    • English translation: "Zelensky defends the Nazi "Azov" battalion during a television interview"

7- Ukraine Developing Bio Labs on Its Territory

  • Description: Focuses on conspiracy theories suggesting that Ukraine, with Western support, has been developing biological weapons. This narrative aims to cast doubt on Ukraine's intentions and activities, suggesting malicious conduct and threats to regional security.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "واشنطن تقر بأن لدى أوكرانيا منشآت أبحاث بيولوجية وتؤكد أنها ستعمل على عدم سيطرة روسيا عليها
      أكدت نائبة وزير الخارجية الأمريكي للشؤون السياسية، فيكتوريا نولاند، وجود "منشآت أبحاث بيولوجية" في أراضي أوكرانيا، قائلة إن بلادها تعمل على منع وقوع هذه المواقع في سيطرة روسيا."
    • English translation: "Washington acknowledges that Ukraine has biological research facilities and confirms that it will work on Russia's lack of control over it. The US Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Noland, confirmed the existence of "biological research facilities" in the territory of Ukraine, saying that her country is working to prevent these sites in Russia's control."

8- Ukraine as a Failed State

  • Description: Suggests Ukraine's military ineffectiveness, highlighted by the abandonment of valuable military assets to Russian forces. It subtly underscores the involvement of the USA by mentioning the origin of the equipment, portraying the conflict not just as a regional dispute but as part of a larger geopolitical confrontation.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "تسبب طاقم أوكراني يقوم بتدريبات على قيادة دبابة "ليوبارد" الألمانية بتخريب المركبة، وذلك بسبب هفوة قاتلة أدت إلى انشطار البرج عن بقية أجزاء الدبابة."
    • English translation: "Ukrainian crew driving a German "Leopard" tank destroyed the vehicle, due to a fatal gag that led to the fission of the tower from the rest of the tank."

9- Ukraine as an Unreliable Peace Negotiatore

  • Description:  Portrays Ukraine as an unreliable peace negotiator by citing what it perceives as Kyiv's failure to implement agreements reached during previous negotiations, changing positions, and not having clear diplomatic stances. It accuses Ukraine of being influenced by Western powers and failing to represent the interests of all stakeholders, particularly in the context of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "رئيس الوفد الروسي: توقعاتنا من الجولة الثالثة للمفاوضات مع أوكرانيا لم تتحقق
      ذكر رئيس الوفد الروسي إلى المفاوضات مع أوكرانيا، فلاديمير ميدينسكي، أن توقعات موسكو مع الجولة الثالثة للعملية التفاوضية لم تتحقق لكن الاجتماعات ستستمر."
    • English translation: "The head of the Russian delegation told negotiations with Ukraine, Vladimir Midinski, that Moscow's expectations with the third round of the negotiating operation were not achieved, but the meetings will continue."

10- Ukraine Spreading Disinformation

  • Description:  Accuses Ukraine of engaging in information warfare, specifically spreading false information about the conflict and Russia's role in it. This narrative seeks to undermine the credibility of Ukrainian claims on the international stage.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "زيلينسكي ينشر فيديو قال إنه سجله اليوم ظهرت فيه طبيبة مقتولة قبل أيام
      نشر الرئيس الأوكراني فلاديمير زيلينسكي فيديو على "إنستغرام" زعم فيه أنه زار جرحى قواته في مستشفى، فيما الطبيبة الظاهرة في الفيديو قتلت في المعارك إلى جانب قوات كييف قبل أسبوعين"
    • English translation: "Zelensky publishes a video that he said he recorded today in which a female doctor who was killed a few days ago appeared.
      Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky published a video on Instagram in which he claimed that he had visited the wounded of his forces in a hospital, while the doctor shown in the video was killed in battles alongside Kyiv forces two weeks ago."

11- Russia Promoting a Multi-Polar World (Especially with China)

  • Description: Highlights Russia's efforts, often in partnership with China, to challenge the current global order dominated by Western powers. It promotes the vision of a multi-polar world where power is more evenly distributed among nations.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "الرئيس الصيني يحث نظيره الأمريكي على تصحيح تقييم الولايات المتحدة للوضع العالمي"
    • English translation: "The Chinese president urges his American counterpart to correct the United States' evaluation of the global situation"

12- Russia as a Liberator

  • Description: This narrative frames Russia's military interventions, particularly in Ukraine, as acts of liberation rather than aggression. It attempts to recast the narrative of occupation into one of freeing oppressed populations, aligning with broader themes of anti-imperialism.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: " بماريوبول يحقق أمنية طفلة من المدينة RT فريق"
    • English translation: "The RT team in Mariupol is achieving the wish of a child from the city"
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "إجلاء ٨٤ شخصا من ماريوبول و ضواحيها نحو أراضي جمهورية دونيتسك الشعبية عبر ممر إنساني، وقد غادر المدنيون منطقة الأعمال القتالية بسياراتهم الشخصية وبحافلات رافقتها القوات الأمنية لدونيتسك"
    • English translation: "The evacuation of 84 people from Mariopol and its suburbs towards the territory of the popular republic of Donetsk"

13- Russia and Energy

  • Description: Focuses on Russia's role as a major energy supplier, especially to Europe, and its ability to use energy exports as a tool of geopolitical influence. This narrative underscores Russia's power in the global energy market and its capacity to withstand economic sanctions.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "قلق ألماني بسبب إمدادات الغاز للشتاء المقبل”
    • English translation: “German anxiety due to the gas supply for the next winter”
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: الجمارك الصينية" : قيمة الغاز المورد من روسيا إلى الصين خلال الشهرين الماضيين تتجاوز نصف مليار دولار”
      أفادت دائرة الجمارك الرئيسية بالصين بأن قيمة الغاز الذي صدرته روسيا إلى الصين في يناير وفبراير الماضيين تتجاوز نصف مليار دولار"
    • English translation: “Chinese customs: The value of gas supplied from Russia to China during the past two months exceeds half a billion dollars. China's Main Customs Department reported that the value of Russia's gas to China in January and February exceeds half a billion dollars.”

14- Russia’s Strategic Alliances and Oppositions

  • Description: Underlines Russia's strategic alliances and oppositions, emphasizing its relationships with countries like China and its stance against NATO and the EU. This narrative showcases Russia's influence and efforts to reshape international relations in favor of a more balanced global power distribution.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "الصين تنتقد العقوبات على روسيا وتؤكد أن سبب الأزمة في أوكرانيا هو توسع الناتو شرقا."
    • English translation: "China criticizes the sanctions on Russia and confirms that the cause of the crisis in Ukraine is the expansion of NATO east."

15- Russia as an Ally to Arab countries

  • Description: This narrative positions Russia as a dependable ally to Arab countries, concerned with the stability and security of the states such as Iraq and Lebanon, as well as a reciprocal relationship with Arabs supporting Russia.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "وقفة تضامنية مع روسيا أمام مبنى "الإسكوا" في العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت. شهدت العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت، اليوم الأحد، وقفة تضامنية مع روسيا، دعما للرئيس فلاديمير بوتين، والعملية الروسية العسكرية الخاصة في أوكرانيا."
    • English translation: "A solidarity stand with Russia in front of the "ESCWA" building in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Today, Sunday, the Lebanese capital, Beirut, witnessed a solidarity stand with Russia, in support of President Vladimir Putin and the Russian military operation in Ukraine."
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "بوتين يذكر قادة العالم بما "لا يحبون تذكره" عن العراق وليبيا وسوريا"
    • English translation: "Putin reminds world leaders of what they "do not like to remember" about Iraq, Libya and Syria!"

16- Russia and the Palestinian Cause

  • Description: This message supports the narrative of Russia's alignment with Arab countries and its backing of the Palestinian cause. The choice of this story reflects Russia's interest in portraying itself as a supporter of justice and ally to the Palestinian cause, emphasizing solidarity against perceived injustices.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "مصر.. الجامع الأزهر يخصص دعاء التراويح للمسجد الأقصى وفلسطين
      خصص الجامع الأزهر يوم السبت دعاءه في صلاة التراويح للمسجد الأقصى وفلسطين في ظل التصعيد الإسرائيلي الأخير واقتحام أمكان عبادة المسلمين بالقدس."
    • English translation: "Egypt.. Al-Azhar Mosque dedicates Tarawih prayers to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine.
      On Saturday, Al-Azhar Mosque dedicated its supplication in Tarawih prayers to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine in light of the recent Israeli escalation and storming of Muslim places of worship in Jerusalem."

17- Historical Revisionism and Territorial Claims

  • Description: Utilizes historical narratives to justify territorial claims and military actions, particularly in Ukraine. This approach seeks to legitimize Russia's presence and activities in contested regions through the lens of historical rights and cultural ties.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: “وثائق تؤكد هوية إقليم دونباس التاريخية
      تعرض قناة RT لأول مرة وثائق أفرج عنها الأرشيف الفيدرالي الروسي، التي توثق الحقائق التاريخية المتعلقة بإقليم دونباس.”
    • English translation: “Documents confirming the identity of the historical region RT channel for the first time displays documents released by the Russian Federal Archive, which documents historical facts related to the region of Donbas.”

18- Removal of Russia from U.N. Human Rights Council

  • Description: Asserts that Russia’s removal from the U.N. Human Rights Council is unjustified, claiming it is politically motivated and that accusations against its human rights record lack substantial evidence or are exaggerated, while inferring the diminishing influence of the Council without Russia as a member.
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "مدفيديف يشكك في جدوى مجلس حقوق الإنسان بعد تعليق عضوية روسيا فيه
      شكك نائب رئيس مجلس الأمن الروسي دميتري مدفيديف في جدوى مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة بعد قرار تعليق عضوية روسيا فيه، وتساءل عن مدة بقائه بمعزل عن روسيا."
    • English translation: "Medvedev questions the feasibility of the Human Rights Council after Russia suspended its membership in it.
      Vice President of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev questioned the feasibility of the United Nations Human Rights Council after the decision to suspend Russia’s membership in it, and wondered how long it would remain isolated from Russia."
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "وصف وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي، يائير لابيد، مجلس حقوق الإنسان بأنه "متطرف، ومعيب أخلاقيا، ومنحاز" وذلك بعد تصويت إسرائيل لصالح قرار تعليق عضوية روسيا في المجلس"
    • English translation: "After voting for the suspension of Russia's membership .. Israel: the Human Rights Council is "defective and biased""

19- Engagement in Middle Eastern Politics

  • Description: Highlights Russia's interest and involvement in Middle Eastern politics, specifically its efforts to propose peaceful solutions and act as a dependable ally. The narrative points to Russia's interest in promoting peace, stability, and security in the Arab world, showcasing its diplomatic engagement and influence beyond its immediate geographic region.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "موسكو تعرب عن تقديرها الشديد للسيسي لعقده مبادرة "قمة القاهرة للسلام" .
      أعلن مبعوث الرئيس الروسي إلى الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا، نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي ميخائيل بوغدانوف، أن موسكو تقدر بشدة مبادرة رئيس مصر عبد الفتاح السيسي في عقد "قمة القاهرة للسلام"."
    • English translation: "Moscow expresses its deep appreciation to Sisi for holding the “Cairo Peace Summit” initiative.
      The Russian President's envoy to the Middle East and Africa, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, announced that Moscow greatly appreciates the initiative of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to hold the "Cairo Peace Summit.""

20- Ukraine committing war crimes

  • Description: This narrative reflects and reinforces with “evidence” the statements of russian authorities accusing Ukraine of committing war crimes by targeting civilians and torturing war prisoners
  • Example message 1: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "قائد عسكري أوكراني يأمر بقتل مدنيين في بوتشا"
    • English translation: "Ukrainian military commander orders the killing of civilians in Boucha"
  • Example message 2: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached)
    • Original message: "فيديو متداول لمشاهد مروعة تظهر مدى تنكيل وتعذيب الأسرى الروس على أيدي النازيين الأوكران"
    • English translation: "A video circulating of horrific scenes showing the extent of abuse and torture of Russian prisoners at the hands of Ukrainian Nazis (A title within a selection of the mor read news)"
  • Example message 3: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached):
    • Original message: "كاميرا قناة عربية ترصد صدفة استخدام الجيش الأوكراني سيارات إسعاف لنقل الجنود"
    • English translation: "An Arab channel camera monitors the Ukrainian army's use of ambulances to transport soldiers"

21- Ukraine Not a Sovereign State

  • Description: Utilizes historical documentation to argue that regions currently part of Ukraine inherently belong to Russia, challenging the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Presents Ukraine as heavily influenced by Western interests, suggesting that Kyiv lacks the independence to make its own decisions.
  • Example message: 
    • URL on TGStat (cached): 
    • Original message: "موسكو تعرب وثائق تؤكد هوية إقليم دونباس التاريخية تعرض قناة RT لأول مرة وثائق أفرج عنها الأرشيف الفيدرالي الروسي، التي توثق الحقائق التاريخية المتعلقة بإقليم دونباس."
    • English translation: "Documents confirming the historical identity of the Donbass region. RT presents for the first time documents released by the Russian Federal Archives, which document historical facts related to the Donbass region."